Kap (Jaume Capdevila) Berga, (Barcelona, Spain) 1974.
Editorial cartoonist in La Vanguardia (one of the five most read papers in Spain) since 1996, and El Mundo Deportivo (the eldest sports journal in Spain) since 1997. Also contributor in other papers and magazines in Spain, France and Italy as El Triangle (political information in Catalonia), Siné Hebdo (french satirical magazine), or Il Quotidiano della Basilicatta (Italy paper)
Bachelor of Fine Arts in the University of Barcelona , has published 8 books with his cartoons and political caricatures. In 2008 wins a prize “Humoris Causa” in the biennial "Humor e Fantasia" (Italy). In 2009 awarded the Gat Perich International Humor Prize, the Award of Sport Cartoon of the Fundació Catalana per l’Esport, and the Comunication Award of Regió7-TVM.
Exhibits of cartoons in Barcelona, Berga, Manresa, Figueres, Tarragona, Lleida, Zaragoza, Madrid, Valencia, Porto, Lisboa, París, Napoli or México.
Kap, is also a specialist in satirical spanish press of the XIX and XX centuries, and author or co-author of many works about the history of Spanish cartoon, caricature and many subjects referring to humorous drawing (wrote 7 books, curated 5 exhibits, wrote many articles).

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